Startups and Small Businesses
Imagine having a few extra sets of hands helping you achieve your business goals faster. Run your business the way you want to, without the added stress of additional accounting and financial procedures. Best suited for:
One person run businesses, entrepreneurs and sole proprietors
Bootstrapped startups and small businesses
Turnover – Less than 150,000 USD, Volume – Less than 100 invoices
Mid-sized and Established Businesses
As good as having your own accounting and finance division/department, without all the added expenses and the overhead cost that comes with it. Get the best of both worlds. Best suited for:
Medium sized businesses, retailers and e-commerce
Agencies, studios and funded startups
Turnover – Less than 750,000 USD, Volume – Less than 1000 invoices
Enterprises and Large Businesses
Delegate your business processes to our certified professionals, saving you valuable time to focus on your core strengths. Best suited for:
MNCs, large businesses and enterprises
Educational Institutions and other public organisations
Turnover – More than 750,000 USD, Volume – More than 1000 invoices
Let’s Start Expanding Horizons
By combining our resources to grow even further.